Donate today! Meet tomorrow!

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Show your support for the students and teachers at Cornell by donating today. We’re almost 30% of the way towards our goal, and we’re hoping to get to 100% by Friday!

Funds this year will support new P.E. equipment, field trip bus costs for every classroom, popcorn parties, Global Cornell, Science Night, Read Together: Grow Together, and many more fun activities!

Cash/check can be returned to classroom teachers. Thank you so much for your generosity – we can do nothing without your support!

Sign up here to volunteer during the Wolf Pack Run:

ALSO!!! We have a general meeting tomorrow, September 27, at 9am in the Cornell Library. Hear about what’s coming up next, get an update from Mrs. Ojerio, discuss our Homecoming float, and start talking about Global Cornell (Nov. 10!!).

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