Volunteers Needed for Global Cornell

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Sign up to host at Global Cornell by filling out this form! 


Read further for all the details. 🙂

Global Cornell is a celebration of our school’s cultural diversity where we gather at Cornell for a night of great food, learning, and sharing of our experiences. Cornell Families can sponsor a classroom learning center on their own or in a group to share a common culture.

We’ve had Chinese, Indian, Eritrean, Russian, English, German, Mexican, American, Korean, Canadian, Japanese, Polish, Armenian, Moroccan, Scottish, Turkish, and Lebanese cultures represented in the past! 

Examples of activities in rooms in the past: Henna stations, proper English tea, a Korean game show, special foods for tasting, traditional dress, culturally representative artifacts, etc. It’s an opportunity to be creative and have fun!

Along with cultural learning, it’s a great way to meet up with the parents of your kids’ friends and create new social connections. We hope to see you there! 

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